Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hurry up Santa Anamatic

Anamatic of a project I am currently working on for Judy Lea. An excellent song writer and singer and great person.

Robot Crush Story Board

Story Board of a previous project that I did In the Art Institute of Vancouver of two robots that are always in competition with each other. 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Final Animation in color. I am still planning to add a background and also let him be looking at a flower in a pot. but till then this is looking great so far.
programs used in this animation is Flash cs6 and After Effect for exporting into a movie file

Friday, August 9, 2013

2d Animation of ghost semi clean up

here is a cleaner render of the ghost. still needs some clean up and line quality needs to be more cleaner. however this is a great start and base of how this animation is going to become in my opinion.

2d Animation of ghost 2nd rough test

I did not like how the ghost just stop in place so created some settles for his when he looks around.
this gave a more smooth slow in and out

2d Animation of ghost

My first step to my 2d animation of a ghost.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


My First digital painting. Referance used by one of my life drawing that I have done in life drawing classes.